De man kan aantrekken wat hij wil. Hij blijft toch altijd een accesoire van de vrouw.
It´s not hard to love Gabrièle `Coco´ Chanel (borned in 1883). Her statements about fashion, always stubborn and sometimes a bit bitchy.
Her love for rich people (sorry but it´s true, she was a 'golddigger') and of course her style.
She started with a shop in hats in a small French city, with money from two of her many lovers.
But quickly she started a shop in skirts, dresses etc. etc.
She designed the famous little black dress (should be hanging in your closet, girls!) and turned man-outfits into woman-outfits.
Her parfum Chanel no. 5 is famous all around the world (I guess, you/your mom/grandma/aunt has it) and she made wearing tweed a fashionstatement.
And don't forget the famous bag with golden chain! Her style was elegant. Ivory mules with a black toe, pearlchains, she made woman look at themselves
differently than they did in the olden days. And she did that without having any fashion/sew education at all!
Now a days the Chanel factory is being runned by our own Karl Lagerfield. Well, I mean he's the artistic director. And he's doing a fabulous job.
I heard he's bringing back more of the old Chanel to the catwalk. But don't forget all the other people who work there, I once saw a documentary about them.
They sew hairpieces of their own hair into the dresses. 'So there's a bit of me on the Catwalk', one of them said. I think that is smart, haha. There's also an
old lady (70 or something) still making some accesoires, she must have been doing that for 50 years.
Coco Chanel died in 1971 in her private suite at the Hotel Rítz in Paris.
Because Coco lived a mysterious life, full of romances and tragic thingies, there is a neeew movie about her. (Don't tell me you haven't heard about it)
'Coco avant Chanel' is Coco in the years for the big succes. How did she came up with all these ideas? Who were her lovers?
The outfits in the movie aren't correct with the outfits she wore at the time, but who cares. They are designed by Karl, so. Also some of the love facts,
aren't right. But who wants to know the real Chanel should be reading one of the books which are written about her. She was actually once pregnant, did you know?
Audrey Tatou (oh, she's amaaaazing) plays Coco, and of course it is all in French. Good for your study, people!
Go and watch. I'm definitely going soon.
(piccie made by my muse!)
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