Last friday I was invited by Bobby to check a picture of her in an artthingie. Than I discoverd that the artthingie was called MYKROLAB_ It was an collaboration between MYKROMAG and Streetlab. So I kinda stressed out about what to wear,
and that wasn't unneccesary. OMG. I never saw so many goodlooking people together in one place! The complete 'incrowd' of Amsterdam was there, inclusive Sonny Groo (I was introduced to this man :]) and Jean Paul Paula. And all, okay most, of the people were dressed in Black and White, and I was in my most colourful skirt, but nevermind.
It was held in Meneer De Wit in Amsterdam. The basement was painted white and all the paintings were black and white, so the whole area was really minimalistic but lovely. Here are a few pictures for you:

The girl in the corner is my own Bobby
I'm so proud :]

Bobby, Sanne (friend of Bobby) and me.

On this one I like the guy underleft, and the guy underthirdfromleft, and bobby (left second from above). I actually like them all, there are more but I couldn't find more pictures.
All of these are shot by Wouter vandenBrink. Who also made pictures of Lou Reed (I just found out :])
Are you jealous yet?