maandag 22 februari 2010

You should get a best friend too!

Have you seen my new header?
Are you jealous? (Please say you are!)
It's made by my best friend.
Just wanted to give him some attention,
because he kinda deserves it :]

Could this be an inspiration? Probably not.

woensdag 17 februari 2010

High heels have got me fallen down on my knees.

Bobby told me you died. Alexander.
I did know who you were. Alexander.
You were the weirdo. Alexander.
From those weird high heels. Alexander
Gaga wore those. Alexander.
Gaga loved you. Alexander.
We loved you. Alexander
And now you are not here. Alexander.
We will miss you. Mister McQueen.

Fly me to the moon.

Saxophonist of one of my favourite bands: